Wednesday 12 September 2012


It's getting late and I am having trouble clearing my thoughts. So while these memories are fresh in my mind, I am going to try to get them down.

Tonight, I hung out with Monique, she's a girl I work with and one of my very best friends. When I'm with her, I laugh and smile and sing and dance easier, she makes life and my shifts at work more enjoyable for the few hours that we get to hang out. Tonight, we went to the movies to see 'Kath and Kimderella' (which was actually quite funny) and the entire cinema was empty. Just the two of us. It was so good, we had such a blast, racing, dancing, singing, shouting, giggling. Does anybody else have a friend like that?

Our friendship is so natural and light and fluffy, we can talk about everything and it's good to know I have someone willing to listen to me and tell me secrets, as well as keeping mine. She's a bold and beautiful girl and I see this friendship as being something I will hold onto forever.


I've never been one for friendships, in reality, I always figured I never really made strong ones with a lot of people, I had/have a few really good ones, however, this is the first time I can truly say I have a friend who makes me feel light and fluffy and silly and happy, all in one.

That Is A Friendship Worth Fighting For.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

What I'm all about.

I suppose I never really stated what I'm all about, so this will be a short post stating what and why.

I started this blog from the idea my secret keeper (nickname for a friend) gave me. He is writing a blog too and I figured it would be a good way to vent my feelings and let it all out, in well written and hopefully structured paragraphs.

I had, and to an extent still have, a lot on my mind. I'm not really a one sided card. There's a lot to me, which sometimes even I don't understand. I guess you could call it multiple personalities, but I don't think that's right, there's got to be more to it than that.

I am one of those, 'into everything' people. I love My Chemical Romance, the Used, Asking Alexandria, and Taylor Swift, Gaga, and Katy Perry. I love to dance, draw, write, sing, play guitar, laugh, and paint. But I also love to play video games, go for bike rides, rock out to Nirvana in the car, and watch gore-filled movies.

Certain things about me are where it gets confusing though, part of me loves crayons and water colour and talking and acting like a child, but another part of me is fascinated by gloomy paintings, and I have a massive interest in eyes, I paint them everywhere and draw them.

I wouldn't call it 'multiple personalities' but I do feel that way sometimes. Anyhow, I started this blog to keep my mind and thoughts in order, as well as to maybe help people feel motivated or interesting and not think so highly of society and she shitty way the media portrays things.

^ That is a random photo selected out of the few I took, when I had done my makeup and attempted to look pretty. This is what I call me number one.

Those are ones I took just then. That's how I look on most days, my hair messy, no makeup or attempt in how I look. I always felt more comfortable in my own skin around people I trust but then my insecurities get the better of me, and I wear makeup and do my hair. 

In the end, I guess I'm just another girl, from Brisbane, Australia, with no direction in life and full of insecurities now. But my own blog is going to help me change that. 

Saturday 1 September 2012

Society and Fat Shame.

Why does society continue to do this to us? Because of society, we are made to think and feel a certain way about topics that are usually, somewhat shunned if you talk about it in today's average life. Society treats sex as if a topic you shouldn't discuss, what's worse is that Men are treated like legends for sleeping with multiple women, yet women are treated as... lets say.. trollops. Fuck Society.

Tonight's topic wont be about sex though. That's a later topic. Tonight's topic is FAT.

What is fat? In realistic terms, fat is having an excess amount of flesh. (oh no! not excess flesh!) However, in society terms, fat is that disgusting shit that covers you body and makes you unattractive, so you need to shed it if you ever want a boyfriend or girlfriend.

Did you know, around the late 1800's and early 1900's FAT women were seen as the epitome of beauty? If you were a larger woman in those days, you were desired by men everywhere! But the beauty standards change, and new idea's become relevant.

Why are people so afraid of fat anyway? are we all communists? Do we all fear and adore things because society and media tell us to? I'm not afraid of fat, but i used to be. I used to hate being called fat, or treated like I was fat. I would look in the mirror and hate the relfection. Nowdays, I dont care if I'm called fat, to me, it would hurt more to be called dumb, or ignorant.. or selfish. Fat is just a word and so many people fear it.

I am an extreme anti-bullying supporter. Its cruel to bully people or call them fat, but I also don't believe in bullying those that are skinny. Bullying is not cool guys. So photos like this are wrong too.

Why pick on that poor girl because of how she looks? Why degrade one type of women in hopes of making another type feel better. It doesn't have to be like that guys. <3

Signing off as me, Summer-Jane, from Australia, and here to stay positive in hopes of teaching others about relationships and give people a little bit of positivity in their day. I love you all and be proud of who you are.