Monday 27 August 2012

Same Shit, Different Person.

That's me. The girl smiling, up there. ^

The title, I've decided is relevant because what do people do on here other then vent feelings and tell the world there problems in hopes that they will make a new friend and achieve something. It's the same shit, under a different username.

Some things about me;

Since this is my first post, I suppose I should say something relevant about myself. Well, I'm 17, in high school in Australia. Any information about me beyond that is hard to write as I, myself, don't understand myself, so how can I tell you? I guess I'll leave it up to the picture to give you an idea of what I look like.

I laugh a lot.. mostly because I find things funny, but also, because I like knowing that people around me think of me a certain way, for example, they might think I am outgoing and happy, but that's just the shell I created, knowing they would believe it.

I love bunnies. I want one so bad, but the Queensland Law says I cant have one. I plan to smuggle one in anyway. There's something fun about a soft little critter that makes your world happy, I mean look at those two?!

If you've ever seen Watership Down, those poor bunnies get the shitty end of the stick. Here's a piece of the movie. 

Those poor, poor bunnies.

That's all for tonight anyway, I'm going to go do something eventful.

Live. Love. Sing. Dream <3

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